Dr. Katy Anthes smiling in a red shirt with text: "FORWARD: From Polarization to Progress.

Dr. Katy Anthes to Lead Groundbreaking New Initiative: Forward – From Polarization to Progress

PEBC Taps Former Colorado Education Commissioner Katy Anthes to Lead Groundbreaking New Initiative: Forward – From Polarization to Progress

Dr. Anthes Will Lead Efforts to Foster Conflict Resolution and Diminish Polarization in Education

Public Education and Business Coalition (PEBC), a national education nonprofit dedicated to teacher preparation, professional learning, and education policy, proudly announces the appointment of former Colorado Commissioner of Education, Katy Anthes, to spearhead their new initiative: Forward – From Polarization to Progress (the Forward Initiative).

The Forward Initiative strives to improve the education environment by equipping educators and leaders with skills in positive conflict resolution, including curiosity, respect, and bridge-building. It seeks to counteract polarization and drive positive change in education and decision-making.

“The Forward Initiative is a response to the growing negativity in the daily work environment of education,” said Sue Sava, President and CEO of PEBC. “Educators and leaders are seeing progress stalled by divisive semantics, culture wars, and intense ideologies that often have very little to do with quality learning for students. We’re beyond thrilled to have Dr. Anthes leading this crucial effort on behalf of PEBC.”

Dr. Anthes led the Colorado Department of Education as Colorado’s Commissioner of Education from May 2016 to July 2023. In that role, she earned a reputation as a leader renowned for her ability to help people listen to each other and work together respectfully.

“Because we are all different, disagreement is natural, and exposure to and understanding of multiple, diverse perspectives often leads to better problem solving, Dr. Anthes said.  “We need people, organizations, and partners who are focused on getting our education politics and collective decision-making skills back on track.”

The Forward Initiative will launch two immediate programs tailored to superintendents, district and state-level staff, school board members, and educators:

  • Individual or Small Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Anthes to build skills needed to manage and mitigate polarization and destructive conflict. For more information, please contact Craig DeLeone at cdeleone@pebc.org.
  • A three-part book study, led by Dr. Anthes, of “High Conflict” by Amanda Ripley. The series aims to explore the pervasive challenges of our time, offering insights on navigating high conflict situations and transitioning into more productive ways of understanding and collaborating. The Book study series begins February 6; participants can register HERE.

Both programs aim to equip education leaders with tools to navigate away from destructive conflicts and promote a more positive work environment.

Over time, the Forward Initiative will focus on three key areas:

  • Support for Success: Providing professional development for district superintendents, school board members, and state education administrators to enhance relationship-building, problem-solving, and conflict management skills.
  • Gather to Learn: Facilitating intentional gatherings to bring diverse opinions together, fostering respect and dialogue to make progress on behalf of students.
  • Partner for Action: Collaborating with organizations and leaders in the education space to amplify strengths, empower thoughtful processes, and promote curiosity, humanity, and bridge-building in education administration and elected offices.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Forward Institute or exploring a partnership, can complete this form, and PEBC will be in touch.