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Writing Institute: Teaching Argument Writing

February 26-27, 2025

$519 Early Bird / $569 General

February 26-27, 2025

PEBC Office
3607 Martin Luther King Blvd., Denver, CO 80205
$519 Early Bird* / $569 General
*Early Bird pricing ends January 26, 2025

Groups of 6 or more receive a 10% discount

Teachers know argument is at the heart of critical thinking and academic discourse. Not only do the standards stress the importance of argument writing, but it’s the kind of writing that matters for success in life. Teaching argument is more than offering students a persuasive prompt and a formula; it’s about teaching students to analyze the data in order to form a claim, to back that claim with valid and reliable evidence, and to create an essay that a reader wouldn’t want to put down. So how do we engage each and every student to surface their ideas and persuasively get their arguments down on paper? How do we teach and assess argument writing? Through this two day seminar you will:

  • Explore ways to teach opinion and evidence-based arguments grounded in reasoning
  • Use mentor text to draft, craft, revise, and edit an argument
  • Reduce the paperload of grading while ensuring students get the critical feedback they need as writers
  • Integrate choice, voice, and vision into teaching reading and writing
  • Learn how to address CCSS for 21st Century Skills in Writing and Communicating within workshop model instruction across K-12


  • Certificate of attendance for CDE credit
  • Lunch each day


Annie Patterson

Annie Patterson
PEBC Senior Director of Lab Networks

Stevi Quate
PEBC Senior Staff Developer, Author, National Consultant

Learning Objectives


Teach evidence-based arguments framed by reasoning


Discover joy in teaching writing again


Grow student writers with targeted feedback


Integrate teaching reading and writing

PEBC Institutes fill quickly. Register today!

Hotel Accommodations

Renaissance Denver Central Park
3801 Quebec St., Denver, CO 80207


Annie Patterson


Annie Patterson, Senior Director of Education, leads the PEBC Lab Network and has led extensive work with schools and systems to develop classrooms that bring equity, agency, and understanding to life in K-12 classrooms both locally and nationally. She is a lifelong learner who focuses on designing professional learning that brings learning communities together to create classrooms worthy of students. Through facilitating and coaching, Annie works closely with teachers, instructional coaches, and district leaders to customize professional learning to increase student achievement for each and every learner. A co-facilitator of the Thinking Strategies Institute, Investigating Thinking Strategies, Annie also leads teacher inquiry groups that focus on argument writing.

Annie joined the PEBC in 2002 and brings over 31 years of experience in education. A former middle school teacher, Annie taught Language Arts, reading, social studies and math. She earned her Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, with an emphasis in Reading and Writing, from the University of Colorado. She is the recipient of the 2012 O’Rourke Award from Learning Forward Colorado for distinguished achievement in educator staff development. When she isn’t learning in a classroom, Annie loves spending time hiking with her family and her dog, Henry.

For over 25 years, Stevi Quate taught English/language arts to middle and high students and was the recipient of several awards including “Outstanding Writing Teacher.”  After leaving the classroom, she was the state literacy coordinator at Colorado Department of Education and then a faculty member at the School of Education, University of Colorado at Denver. Along with serving as the president of the state affiliates for the National Council of Teachers of English and the International Literacy Association, she directed Colorado Writing Project and Colorado Critical Friends Group. For one year, she served on the advisory board for the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. Currently, she is a consultant on adolescent literacy with the Public Education and Business Coalition in Denver, Colorado and consults with international schools across the world. She has written articles for many publications including a chapter in Powerful Designs for Professional Learning. She has co-written two books with John McDermott: Clock Watchers: Six Steps for Motivating and Engaging the Disengaged across Content Areas (2009) and The Just-Right Challenge (2013).

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Writing Institute Registration - Early Bird
$ 519.00
*COMP*Writing Institute Registration
$ 0.00