The PEBC Leadership Framework is a synthesis of the actions education leaders take to catalyze teacher effectiveness and student achievement in schools.
Since 1983, PEBC has worked with schools and systems to grow the unique potential of each and every student. School leaders (principals, assistant principals, deans, instructional coaches and teacher leaders) play key roles in developing and sustaining communities that foster equity, agency and understanding for each and every learner, including students and teachers.
This Framework is based on a distinct set of beliefs that guide all of PEBC’s work. They include but are not limited to:
- Each school community deserves quality leadership.
- Quality leaders shape systems and cultures that can overcome significant obstacles.
- Quality leaders build the capacity and collective efficacy of their staff to help each child reach their fullest academic and social potential.
- Collective efficacy fosters student achievement.
- Each and every child deserves quality educators.
- Quality educators value diversity and inclusion.
- Quality educators are committed to preparing students to navigate a complex world made up of multiple perspectives.