PEBC Professional Learning Events - PEBC

All PEBC Institutes & Courses

PEBC Professional Learning

Is your staff ready to be rejuvenated with relevant, interactive professional learning? PEBC offers a wide variety of PEBC multi-day institutes that can be presented to your team in our Colorado locations, virtually or in-person at your site.

Ready to register? Click here to see events that are currently open for registration or contact us for additional options.

Literacy and Comprehension Institutes

Students working together

Investigating Thinking Strategies

What type of thinking do we want to facilitate in our classrooms?

Decades of research on reading comprehension supports our focus on metacognition and thinking strategies across the curriculum. In this two-day institute, participants experience the process of coming to deep understanding and learn how to integrate thinking strategy instruction across the curriculum.

Perfect For: K-12 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Students learning together

Workshop 2.0

How can we be learning designers for student understanding? How do our workshops allow for students to have ownership in their learning?

Intentionally planned workshops deepen student understanding, engagement, and ownership of student learning. We will spend two days unpacking the nuances of the workshop model and examining the ways in which the workshop model can be modified to meet students needs without losing the components of intentional teacher modeling, practice, and reflection. On day two, participants will visit a PEBC Lab Classroom.

Perfect For: K-12 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Students working together

Planning for Agency, Engagement, and Understanding

In what ways might we be intentional in our planning to foster student agency, engagement, and understanding?

In this two day institute we will wrangle the beast of planning by elevating intentionality and providing you with new tools and processes for unit and daily planning. By focusing on rich student tasks, thinking, and discourse in conjunction with standards, we heighten student understanding and achievement. On day two, participants will visit a PEBC Lab Classroom.

Perfect For: K-12 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Young student writing

Argument Writing Institute

How might learners link quality evidence and clear reasoning to compose powerful arguments?

Researchers at Stanford identified argument writing as the convergence of the Common Core Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. In this two-day institute, participants will learn instructional strategies that engage students in high-level thinking and discourse that translate to writing strong arguments. Learn how to support students in developing an evidence-based argument while authoring one of your own.

Perfect For: 6th-12th Grade Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Students reading together

Foundations of Literacy

What cognitive processes do people use to read effectively?

Reading is a complex process of meaning making that requires an array of skills and strategies. In this two-day institute, participants will examine the links between fluency, decoding, and the nuances of deep comprehension.

Perfect For: ECE-12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Literacy Specialists, Assistant Principals and Principals

Teacher picking out books

Disciplinary Literacy

Isn’t all reading the same, at least, after one learns to decode and comprehend? Isn’t good writing the same for all? And what does it mean to think like a scientist? A historian? A mathematician? A geographer?

If you’re curious about any of these questions, this institute is for you. We’ll explore what’s unique to your discipline and what it takes to mentor your students as readers and writers in your area. Only you, the social scientist, the scientist, the mathematician, the literary scholar can apprentice your students in those thinking skills.

Perfect For: 5-12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches and Leaders

Math, Science, and Social Studies Institutes

Curious student

Cultivating STEM Identities Institute

How do you and your students feel about yourselves as scientists and mathematicians?

In this two-day institute, participants will examine why learners’ STEM identities are important, and how we as adults can structure learning experiences to enhance students’ enjoyment of and engagement with thinking as scientists and mathematicians.

Perfect For: K-5 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Foundations of Numeracy

In this institute, participants will explore how our own math identities and mindsets about math impact learners' mathematical self-efficacy; dive into the foundational skills of number sense, why they are important, and how to develop them with students; as well as discover how to support students in developing the thinking strategies and habits of mind essential to numeracy. Educators will leave with a vision for primary math instruction that cultivates numeracy for each and every learner.

Perfect For: PK-5 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches and Assistant Principals and Principals

Young student working on math

Minds on Math Institute

Do you know how to address all eight of the common core standards for mathematical practice and promote deep understanding?

In this two-day institute, participants explore how explicit thinking strategy instruction can promote students’ deep mathematical understanding. Facilitators model how to facilitate classroom discussions that support all learners, preparing them with the problem-solving skills they need to make meaning of math, succeed on standardized assessments, and face life’s many mathematical challenges.

Perfect For: K-12 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Young student smiling

Math Institute 2.0

How do we cultivate confident, competent math learners?

This two-day institute uncovers the foundation of mathematical meaning making. Join us to explore the relationships between number sense, conceptual understanding and problem solving that support learners’ efficacy as mathematicians.

Perfect For: K-5 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Math Justice Institute

In what ways can we design and facilitate math learning experiences that create opportunities for each and every learner? Across two days, we will explore the urgent need to adjust our math instruction to create onramps for historically underserved learners to increase their access to high quality math understanding. This interactive Institute will include discussion, math explorations, reading and planning.

Perfect For: K-12 Generalists and Math Teachers, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Student watching a science experiment

Science Institute

Are you ready to create engaging, inquiry-based learning experiences that generate interest in and understanding of the big ideas of science?

In this two-day institute, participants explore how to design learning experiences that integrate the Next Generation Science Standards’ Science & Engineering Practices, along with thinking strategies, in order to increase student engagement and deepen understanding.

Perfect For: K-12 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Students studying a globe

Social Studies & History Institute

How do social scientists and historians synthesize sources?

In this two-day institute, experience and analyze the ways in which we scaffold learners’ inquiry into primary and secondary sources. Develop instructional strategies to facilitate deep reading and true understanding of complex non-fiction texts.

Perfect For: K-12 Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Coaching & Leadership Institutes

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Series

In what ways can we support ourselves and others in managing social and emotional needs and building social emotional competencies?

In this series, we explore research and practices and learn actions that can enhance our own well being and our ability to support our students’ success as learners. We will explore the CASEL framework, alternating between building awareness and taking action.

Perfect For: Teachers, K-12 Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals & Principals, School and District Leaders

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Series 2

As many educators have witnessed, the impacts of COVID, social unrest, chronic stress, and trauma can lead students to at times be dysregulated and unable to learn. In addition, many educators are also seeing disruptive student behaviors that they have not encountered before. While this makes sense from a neurological standpoint, it can be challenging to know how to move forward and find ways of meeting students where they are. In addition, regulating our own responses and extending empathy go a long way in de-escalating situations when students feel out of control or unable to self-regulate. This series illuminates key research, a number of strategies, some do’s and a couple of don’ts to help restore peace and sanity in our classrooms.

Perfect For: Teachers, K-12 Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals & Principals, School and District Leaders

Techer in classroom

Dynamic Leadership Series

How do we leverage the interconnectedness of our system to support all learners’ success?

This three-day series offers school/district leadership teams a framework of nine essential facets of leadership. Participating school and teacher leaders connect the expectations of standards, assessments, effectiveness and accountability while examining what it means to think critically when leading a system.

Perfect For: Teacher Leaders, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Teacher facilitating a discussion

Impact Through Skilled Facilitation

How does skilled facilitation magnify and catalyze our work, and deepen our impact?

In this two-day institute, explore the many facets of quality facilitation and how it helps maximize the impact of the work of teacher leaders and school leaders. We will explore how a facilitative stance and tools enhance school culture and student achievement by building teacher capacity and leading to improved collaboration.

Perfect For: Teacher Leaders, Assistant Principals and Principals, and District Leaders

Teachers working together

Cognitive Coaching (SM)

How might we draw forth our colleagues’ best thinking and problem solving?

In this eight-day institute, educators learn an approach to coaching and professional communications which focuses on supporting colleagues’ thinking around planning, reflecting and problem-solving. This approach increases students’ and colleagues’ independence, metacognition, and engagement, generating more confidence and success.

Perfect For: Principals, Assistant Principals, Teacher Leaders, District Leaders

Teachers talking to each other

Effective Mentoring & Coaching

In what ways might we support, challenge and facilitate colleagues’ professional vision?

In this two-day institute, participants learn how to refine their language and conversations to support novice through experienced teachers using coaching, collaborating, and consulting aligned to the situation. Increase creativity, independence and confidence among colleagues in support of deeper student learning.

Perfect For: Teachers, K-12 Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Assistant Principals & Principals, School and District Leaders


Going Deeper With Coaching

What is your philosophy of coaching and how does that philosophy shape your coaching practices?

We will spend two days defining the role of coaching, creating or refining a tool for managing coaching, increasing our confidence facilitating conversations & protocols, identifying two or three new coaching moves or models to try with colleagues/clients, and drafting a coaching philosophy. (Includes a PEBC Lab)

Perfect For: Team Leads, Department Chairs, Mentors, Instructional Coaches and Leaders

Teachers learning together

Peer Learning Lab Institute

In what ways can we design transformative professional learning?

Join us for two days to learn more about the structure of learning labs, the logistics of developing learning labs in your building or district, and the roles of facilitators, hosts, and participants. (Includes a PEBC Lab)

Perfect For: Lab Hosts, Instructional Coaches and Leaders

Teachers learning together

Leading from All Levels: An Approach to Leveraging Leadership Across Multiple Contexts

What is most important in our leadership? Leadership supports purpose, culture, instruction and systems. Join us in the exploration of the PEBC Leadership Framework to grow your understanding and your impact on your school or district. Strengthen your leadership practice as you join a larger community of educational leaders dedicated to impacting our learning communities and ultimately the learning lives of our staff and students.

In this inspiring two day institute, leaders will examine the PEBC Leadership Framework through reflective and collaborative learning experiences in order to strengthen the impact of leadership on your school or district.

Perfect For: Teacher Leaders, Assistant Principals and Principals, District Leaders

Phenomenal Teaching Framework

Working the Workshop

How do we design and facilitate effective workshops that engage all learners?

This interactive online course is designed for educators at all levels ready to explore workshop model instruction as a structure for learners’ engagement and understanding. We will examine how this cornerstone of the PEBC Teaching Framework works, and consider how to design and facilitate each component of an effective workshop, regardless of grade level or content area. Course experiences will include reading professional texts, watching classroom videos, hearing teacher interviews, applying and reflecting on your learning

Tools for Thinkers

In what ways might we leverage thinking strategy instruction to build student agency and understanding?

The purpose of thinking strategy instruction is to scaffold learners’ independence. Throughout this course, participants will experience and explore these tools to understand them first hand. Then, tasks will include planning how to introduce, practice and hand the strategies off to students. To this end participants will read professional texts, watch classroom videos, hear teacher interviews, and reflect in light of the PEBC Teaching Framework.

Awesome Assessment

In what ways might we develop ongoing student assessment that supports learners’ agency, equity, and understanding?

Based on the PEBC Teaching Framework, this interactive online course is designed for educators at all levels keen to design and facilitate high quality formative and summative assessment for learners. Across twelve weeks, we will explore the value of assessment for learners’ sense of agency, equitable achievement, and to deepen understanding. This course offers structures and tools for classroom implementation through professional, classroom videos, teacher interviews, application tasks and opportunities for reflection.

Crafting Community

In what ways might we develop classroom communities that support agency, equity, and understanding of every learner?

Social and emotional approaches that support students of diverse backgrounds’ success in school are the foundation of equitable practices. In this course, we will explore the value of and the means to craft an intentional and responsive community of learners among your students. As per the PEBC Teaching Framework, participants will explore the power of productive dispositions, the learning environment, healthy relationships, shared ownership, clear norms and facilitated collaboration to this end. Participants will read about, see and hear strategies for designing a learning community that welcomes each and every learner and supports them in bringing their best to school every day.

Developing Discourse

How can we design and facilitate engaged, accountable conversations about thinking and understanding?

Designed for educators at all levels, this interactive online course invites participants to explore how to design and facilitate engaged, academic conversations among students. Across twelve weeks, we will explore the value of discourse for learners’ language, social and academic development, the design and facilitation of discourse, as well as offer some structures and tools for classroom implementation. Course content will include reading of professional texts including excerpts of Phenomenal Teaching, classroom videos, teacher interviews, application tasks and opportunities for reflection.

Phenomenal Planning

How can we plan for equity, agency and understanding?

Across twelve weeks, this interactive online course immerses educators at all levels in approaches and tools for effective unit planning. We will explore how to prioritize content and process targets, work with existing curricula and standards to prepare units of study aligned with learners’ backgrounds, interests and needs. In addition to the PEBC Teaching Framework, course content will include reading of professional texts, videos, teacher interviews, application tasks and opportunities for reflection.

Phenomenal Teaching Institute

How can we teach for agency, equity and understanding?

The two-day PEBC Phenomenal Teaching Institute explores how educators can design and facilitate instruction to support learners' success. With Phenomenal Teaching as our text, we will experience, dissect and plan top quality instruction that honors students' thinking. Educators across the content areas are invited to discover the power of workshop model as an instructional design supported by thinking strategies and student discourse. You will leave with a template for developing your own lessons that motivate and engage each and every learner.

Nicole Johnston

Principal of Valley Middle School

“Our work with PEBC totally put us ahead of the curve. I have never once had a teacher walk out of a PEBC professional development course and say it was a waste of time. It’s not canned professional development. It’s quality, research-based work that is customized and differentiated. The teachers always say the training was the best thing ever.”


Colorado School District Director

“We accomplished more in five hours than we had done over months…and that was the first session that we had facilitated by PEBC!”

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